
Surviving The Ice Age

Cold weather really is upon us! I didn't think this post was necessary, since I thought the weather was going to improve, but now that it's snowing and absolutely freezing cold once again, it's time to buy everything you thought you could avoid! If you're like me, and you insist on wearing Lolita almost every day, hail, rain, or in this case, snow, then this post goes out to you! Sure, during the last cold snap, we could just all leave Lolita to the side in favour of "normal, practical" clothing, but if this weather is going to last until January, I don't think I'll hold out that long!
So what's a frozen Loli to do? Wrap up, that's what!

    Bloomers: I don't actually own a pair, but I strongly advise that every single Loli going to brave the sub-zero temperatures should wear a pair! If you don't have a pair, they're easy enough to make! A very simple tutorial was posted here.
    Tights: Okay, so the Lolita style usually calls for OTK or just to the knee socks, but seriously now, it's in minus figures! There's serious frost and snow out there! Get yourself a nice pair of thick cotton tights! Penney's sell lovely tights for about €3 a pair. If that's not warm enough, wear lycra tights under them. Nobody's going to see them, and you'll be snuggly and warm, and that's the most important part!
    Hats: Okay okay, so you can't show off your hairbows when you're wearing a hat, but if you have a cute hat, you've nothing to worry about! Beret-style knit hats look really lovely with Lolita, and from what I've seen they're not expensive. Have a peek around the shops, it's easy to find them in many different colours to match your co-ords!
    Gloves/Mittens: Wear them. Really, I don't know about you, but in cold weather, having cold hands is one of the worst things. Your hands seize up from the cold, and that's never fun! They're cheap, cheerful, and most of all, they're warm.
    Scarves: You probably have one already, so if you do, for the love of frills, wear it! I've actually heard people say that scarves are 'so not rori'. Righto, you can go off and freeze, we'll be here with our scarves being cozy, have words with Baby about their scarves too, heh heh. But seriously, don't underestimate a scarf, it could be the difference between being healthy and catching a nasty cold.

Coats are also essential to winter Lolita attire. lolita accessories pale pink, too. You don't have to fork out a fortune on a brand coat, as lovely as they are. If you trawl through the shops, you'll probably find something suitable. If not, Bodyline have some coats from last Winter going at a fairly reasonable price.
A coat is all great, but don't forget to wear layers! Several layers of thin clothes can be better than one or two bulky layers for insulation. Depending on how very cold it is, you could wear a camisole, then your blouse, JSK, cardigan, and coat, and of course, everything else!

Footwear Health & Safety
Ok, I know you're all decently sensible Lolis, but I just want to stress something.
DO NOT wear high shoes of any description. Please, I beg of you! Icy footpaths and impaired balance don't go well together. I know, you might look fabulous, but you won't look fabulous when you're smushed into the roadside slush! Wear shoes with flat soles, and tread carefully! If you wear Rocking Horse Shoes and go out into the winter tundra, you're sure to find yourself in a world of hurt.

Okay, now that I feel that I've contributed to what you probably know already, I'm going to figure a route to school without dying on the footpaths.

Have fun, and stay warm!

