
School occupies 83% of my brain

So, on monday I went to school in lolita. (the first day of school) This may not seem that *awe inspiring* But it was the first day of school AND it was the first time I had not been forced into a uniform in order to recieve education. (Yay public school) I wore a new vivcore shirt I'm in love with (reveiw upcoming,) over a jsk to give the appearance of a skirt, no petticoat just 'cause I didn't want to deal with that the first day, and some simple flats.
Florida, being the brutal death pit that florida always is, was extremely hot, but so worth it. So I went to all my classes without a single hitch and a few compliments (woo). So, after experiencing loli school life up close and personal (I wore it on friday too, and I looked cute, but no pictures of either excursion. boo.) I have a few things to bring your loli and school lives a little closer.

    Wear your less important loli to school. Good stuf in those kind of situations always gets ruined by a stain of some sort. (such as Sweet Cotton Black and White School Lolita Suit )

    Cuteify your school supplies- pink notebooks, quill pens, I have some older (not that great) articles on the subject.
    Same goes for your lunch- heart shaped sandwiches, pack litle baked goods in there, edible glitter (IT EXISTS), and cute little containers are all good ways to make your lunch a little sweeter.....loli lunch!!
    At least in the first week you'll be signing things a lot-- Perfect your signature. Never underestimate the power of a fancy signature.
    Perfume your turn-in papers and suprise the teacher. (a la Legally Blond?)**
    Use every oportunity to expound on your love of Lolita. By the end of the year, your English teacher will know as much about the fashion as you do.
    Have something fancy for breakfast before you come to school. Something simple like strawberry crepes can be prepared the night before and just put together the morning of.
    Always pack backup clothes just in case. (That's true for most people)


Dressing up in lolita dress

Last Saturday, I finally wore Lolita again! I had been wanting to for quite some time, but I just didn’t. I haven’t been feeling good about myself lately (what’s new) and I thought I didn’t deserve to wear my pretty clothes (oh well). But then, two friends both told me to just do what I love and that I do deserve it. They gave me the courage to just go for it and so I did! So last Saturday I wore my beautiful lace applique black bow cotton sweet lolita dress  for the first time!

This lolita dress is black colored and sleeveless designed. It features its bows decoration and lace applique design. It is made of cotton. It is very comfortable for me to wear it. Underskirt is available. Then the dress looks more beautiful.

I hope you liked my outfit! Have a nice day! ♥


Lolita aspirations for 2013

I think everyone has already looked at the past year and wondered: what they have done, and what they hope to accomplish. I haven't really done that. Overall, last year was an experience. I think i've done so much i haven't done the previous year, and so much has changed within our local communities.

That being said, my perspective for lolita is always changing, and this year will be a year of very big change. For the past few weeks, I was really considering on leaving lolita and keeping maybe one or two full pieces just in case (for events or to have as a backup).

Though after talking to certain people, I soon realized, the reason I'm not as happy with my closet, is because it is filled with experiences, not dreams.
I know that sounds weird but a lot of the dresses I made were for events, because I had to have something new, or because i have worn my previous items a certain amount of time. I didn't find this selfish or spoiled, because I did put a lot of labor into my work.

So I came to the conclusion, that this year, instead of leaving lolita and creating a more mature look in my everyday fashion, I can clear out both my closets and rebuild it in a way that I can create both a mature casual wardrobe, that can be incorporated into a more mature lolita look. Such as the Ball Gown Graceful Red Gothic Victorian Dress. I'll probably discard many of my older pieces and replace them with new items that reflect myself in 2013. I think i'll probably be a bit strict on it, and only make garments i want to make for myself, because I will feel happy in them.

I think that's why many of us joined the lolita fashion. I wanted to feel like a living doll, and feel that "lifestyle" that the fashion constantly promotes. I was never really tooo into the whole fancy tea party super rococo-esqe styles. Though I do like it, but as I have mentioned many times before, I really wanted to get into more classic/country styles and have that sort of aura.

Will I be discarding everything sweet?
probably a few items but not all. I know sweet items can be worn in more subtle ways. Also I know i'll have a day where I'll just want to be super pastel, sweetie cakes and its a good thing to have.

I have already gotten started by sketching future projects. I think a lot of my pieces will be skirt with suspenders, but with different prints. I looove suspenders in lolita. Its not as popular but i think its cute, geeky and oddly humble. I'll probably do some jsks when I have time but probably not till after March...

I've been browsing some colors and themes, and even prints i'm interested so hopefully you'll see some of them come to life in a garment.