Building a Complete Lolita Wardrobe
I've been asked several times, over on my formspring, about what I would consider a complete Lolita wardrobe. As many Lolitas will tell you, you pretty much never have a complete Lolita wardrobe any more than you have a complete wardrobe of anything! You're always adding new pieces to any wardrobe as new pieces come out, seasons change, and trends pop in and out of fashion. However, if you're looking to start a Lolita wardrobe, and want the most bang for your buck, it's a good idea to build a wardrobe with completeness in mind. So that way you can get the maximum outfits out of a minimum of pieces.
I think that if you can wear a new, different looking, outfit every day for a week, you've managed to to build yourself a very workable Lolita outfit. I've been asked before what I think kind of items would be in a wardrobe like this, and while I think there are several ways you could compile a wardrobe that would do the job, my ideal way would be:
1 good petticoat in a color that works with your wardrobe. Unless you like a very minimal poof, I'd advise against tulle petticoats and go for a chiffon, as tulle petticoats tend to deflate very quickly, so you're constantly buying new ones and are often forced to wear multiple ones at once.
1 piece of "special wear", this means something that might be a little too fancy to wear everyday and is best saved for special meetups or might be a very obvious piece, like a bold print, so it would be best if it wasn't worn too frequently. If you have a limited budget, and can only really afford to spurge on one piece, you might as well make it this piece!
2 easy to coordinate dresses, JSKs are the best option, due to the fact that they are a little easier to mix and match because you can pair them with different blouses for different looks, and if you plan on wearing something over them, you can wear them without a blouse so you don't have to deal with cramming puffy sleeves under not-so-puffy sleeves.
2 skirts in 2 different designs. For example, one could be a relatively plain skirt, while the other could have a bustle, a high waist, multi-tiered, etc.
5 tops of various designs, some of which are cutsews, and one of which is a "statement" top in either a contrasting color or of a fancier design. Having cutsews in your wardrobe is vital if you plan on wearing Lolita on a regular basis, because Lolita blouses tend to be fussy and might not be appropriate for all weather and occasions, and sometimes it's nice to wear something a little more comfortable.
Headwear that matches each of your skirts or dresses. This doesn't necessarily mean one piece of headwear for each skirt or dress, if you have multiples pieces in one color, you can get away with sharing a headpiece between them.
2 pieces of outerwear, such as boleros, cardigans, or light jackets.
1 pair of shoes that matches everything.
1 purse that matches everything.
As many different pieces of legwear as you can accumulate. These can be picked up offbrand cheaply, and in the beginning you can get away with one of each type of legwear at first, for example: 1 pair of plain socks, 1 pair of print socks, 1 pair of opaque tights, and 1 pair of crochet or lace tights.
Lots of different accessories. This is also something that can be picked up offbrand cheaply, or even come from your current accessory supplies, and includes not only jewelery but also wrist cuffs, gloves, collars, corsages, and any other small accessories that can be added to make individual outfits unique. If you're even slightly handy with a needle and thread and a glue gun, you can probably whip up a fair amount of these!
Near Complete Lolita Wardrobe Overhaul: Part 1
For the past several months I've had a bad case of a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. A scorching hot summer certainly didn't help this, it was too hot to even think about doing anything other than putting on a sundress and falling asleep in front of the A/C, let alone putting together interesting Lolita coordinates. This, combined with the fact that I rarely get rid of my Lolita clothes, made me think "Same old, same old" whenever I opened my closet. Don't get me wrong, I do love my Lolita wardrobe, I have so many pieces I just love, well, to pieces. But I also have so much that has just become very ho-hum to me. So, what's a Lolita to do? Out with the old, in with the new is the best solution!
First step: What do I want from a wardrobe? What kind of change to I need to see in my current wardrobe?Well, first of all I want something that thrill me and makes me giddy with possibility when I go through it. I want something that has a lot of possibilities and different ways of coordinating. I want something that suits me, and fits me. At the moment my closet is feeling very stagnant because some pieces have simply been in there, unworn, for so long that I feel like I have to sort through so much to find what I like. I also happen to have a lot of things that only match one or two pieces in my wardrobe, and that's just no fun at all. I started adding to my Lolita wardrobe around 6 years ago, a lot can change in 6 years! Honestly, my personal style hasn't really changed a whole lot since I was in middle school and first discovered black clothes (it's simply gotten better!), I feel like my everyday Lolita style has changed a bit and it's simply time for me to refine it, instead of just making do with what I have.
Generally, my Lolita wardrobe is divided into the 3 styles I wear most of all: Gothic, Sweet, and Classic. Currently these sections are a pretty much complete hodgepodge of random things, and that is something that I really think needs to change! Let's talk about each one a little bit more in depth!

Gothic Lolita- I really think that this section needs the least work, I just think it needs a little bit of a re-imagining. Currently, when I wear Gothic Lolita it is often a lot of Kuro JSKs with Gothic accessories and styling or a whole lot of h.NAOTO at once. While I love me some Kuro, and Naoto, I have become a bit bored with them an just sort of tired of seeing the same pieces again and again. Instead, I would like to have a Gothic Lolita wardrobe that focuses on elegance and texture. Chiffon, brocade, velvet, embroidery, things like that. I would also like to be able to incorporate more of my regular, "Western" Gothic wardrobe into my Gothic Lolita wardrobe, this isn't something I really need to make a wardrobe change to do, really just something that I need to force myself to do. In regards to inspiration, I want my wardrobe to be more Antique Beast, less h.NAOTO.
Classic Lolita- I would simply like to wear this style more. I currently have a fair amount of Classic Lolita pieces, in a style I particularly like, but I have so few foundation and basic pieces that match that I get very little wear out of it. I'd like to add less main pieces to my Classic Lolita wardrobe and more things like boleros, Classic appropriate shoes, blouses. I don't really have any specific colors in mind, as I think that Classic Lolita doesn't really require a lot of matchy-matchy, but I would like to keep burgundy, cream, black, and a few dusty pastels in mind when shopping for new Classic Lolita pieces. Inspiration wise, I would like less Innocent World does Country Lolita and more Juliette et Justine meets Dolly Kei.
Sweet Lolita- I have so much of this, and it's currently my go-to wardrobe simply because I have so much of it and it's so easy, and I think it's the wardrobe that needs the most work. Right now, it's definitely all over the place from years of being able to pick up stuff for relatively cheap. My Sweet Lolita is very black-centric and has a lot of pink and black and cutesy prints. Much to the surprise of many Lolitas I'd actually like to get rid of nearly all of my Sweet Lolita prints. Instead, I would like to focus on solid colors and old school inspired pieces, maybe a few Sweet floral prints and a couple tartan pieces. I'd like to limit my colors to mainly black & white and red & white, with a few pink pieces thrown in for variety. I'd also like to get rid of all my Peter Pan collared blouses and instead focus on square necked and high collars. I'd also like to bring in some more screen printed pieces instead of any more prints. Inspiration- more 2004 era Baby, less Metamorphose prints.
Second step: Deciding what stays, and what goes.Quite possibly the most difficult step! Certainly harder then the upcoming tedious and annoying step of cleaning and selling everything. I decided I wanted to narrow my entire wardrobe down to 3 piles: Things I wear frequently and fit the styles I would like to have, things I rarely wear but are special or novelty pieces, and pieces I either haven't worn in a long time or pieces that just aren't what I would like my future wardrobe to look like.
Going into this task I started with a huge pile containing 25 dresses, 31 skirts, and probably between 30 and 40 tops. I managed to whittle this down to 12 skirts, 16 dresses, and 18 tops.
I was happy to see that what I decided to whittle it down to, more or less, fit just what I was looking for. And I was even happier to find that I could actually close my armoire without jamming everything in and then closing the door really fast!
The next step, the step I haven't gotten to yet, is to actually sell off this to-go pile, as well as a few miscellaneous accessories. Whatever I make selling off the to-go pile will go into building my wardrobe back up again. I wear Lolita on a near-daily basis, so it is a little scary cutting my wardrobe in half for a while but I've really needed to do something a bit drastic to my wardrobe like this for a while. Like I mentioned, I've been building up my Lolita wardrobe for a long time now and the thought of having some fresh pieces and fresh possibilities in my wardrobe is a really exciting idea!
First step: What do I want from a wardrobe? What kind of change to I need to see in my current wardrobe?Well, first of all I want something that thrill me and makes me giddy with possibility when I go through it. I want something that has a lot of possibilities and different ways of coordinating. I want something that suits me, and fits me. At the moment my closet is feeling very stagnant because some pieces have simply been in there, unworn, for so long that I feel like I have to sort through so much to find what I like. I also happen to have a lot of things that only match one or two pieces in my wardrobe, and that's just no fun at all. I started adding to my Lolita wardrobe around 6 years ago, a lot can change in 6 years! Honestly, my personal style hasn't really changed a whole lot since I was in middle school and first discovered black clothes (it's simply gotten better!), I feel like my everyday Lolita style has changed a bit and it's simply time for me to refine it, instead of just making do with what I have.
Generally, my Lolita wardrobe is divided into the 3 styles I wear most of all: Gothic, Sweet, and Classic. Currently these sections are a pretty much complete hodgepodge of random things, and that is something that I really think needs to change! Let's talk about each one a little bit more in depth!
Gothic Lolita- I really think that this section needs the least work, I just think it needs a little bit of a re-imagining. Currently, when I wear Gothic Lolita it is often a lot of Kuro JSKs with Gothic accessories and styling or a whole lot of h.NAOTO at once. While I love me some Kuro, and Naoto, I have become a bit bored with them an just sort of tired of seeing the same pieces again and again. Instead, I would like to have a Gothic Lolita wardrobe that focuses on elegance and texture. Chiffon, brocade, velvet, embroidery, things like that. I would also like to be able to incorporate more of my regular, "Western" Gothic wardrobe into my Gothic Lolita wardrobe, this isn't something I really need to make a wardrobe change to do, really just something that I need to force myself to do. In regards to inspiration, I want my wardrobe to be more Antique Beast, less h.NAOTO.
Classic Lolita- I would simply like to wear this style more. I currently have a fair amount of Classic Lolita pieces, in a style I particularly like, but I have so few foundation and basic pieces that match that I get very little wear out of it. I'd like to add less main pieces to my Classic Lolita wardrobe and more things like boleros, Classic appropriate shoes, blouses. I don't really have any specific colors in mind, as I think that Classic Lolita doesn't really require a lot of matchy-matchy, but I would like to keep burgundy, cream, black, and a few dusty pastels in mind when shopping for new Classic Lolita pieces. Inspiration wise, I would like less Innocent World does Country Lolita and more Juliette et Justine meets Dolly Kei.
Sweet Lolita- I have so much of this, and it's currently my go-to wardrobe simply because I have so much of it and it's so easy, and I think it's the wardrobe that needs the most work. Right now, it's definitely all over the place from years of being able to pick up stuff for relatively cheap. My Sweet Lolita is very black-centric and has a lot of pink and black and cutesy prints. Much to the surprise of many Lolitas I'd actually like to get rid of nearly all of my Sweet Lolita prints. Instead, I would like to focus on solid colors and old school inspired pieces, maybe a few Sweet floral prints and a couple tartan pieces. I'd like to limit my colors to mainly black & white and red & white, with a few pink pieces thrown in for variety. I'd also like to get rid of all my Peter Pan collared blouses and instead focus on square necked and high collars. I'd also like to bring in some more screen printed pieces instead of any more prints. Inspiration- more 2004 era Baby, less Metamorphose prints.
Second step: Deciding what stays, and what goes.Quite possibly the most difficult step! Certainly harder then the upcoming tedious and annoying step of cleaning and selling everything. I decided I wanted to narrow my entire wardrobe down to 3 piles: Things I wear frequently and fit the styles I would like to have, things I rarely wear but are special or novelty pieces, and pieces I either haven't worn in a long time or pieces that just aren't what I would like my future wardrobe to look like.
Going into this task I started with a huge pile containing 25 dresses, 31 skirts, and probably between 30 and 40 tops. I managed to whittle this down to 12 skirts, 16 dresses, and 18 tops.
I was happy to see that what I decided to whittle it down to, more or less, fit just what I was looking for. And I was even happier to find that I could actually close my armoire without jamming everything in and then closing the door really fast!
The next step, the step I haven't gotten to yet, is to actually sell off this to-go pile, as well as a few miscellaneous accessories. Whatever I make selling off the to-go pile will go into building my wardrobe back up again. I wear Lolita on a near-daily basis, so it is a little scary cutting my wardrobe in half for a while but I've really needed to do something a bit drastic to my wardrobe like this for a while. Like I mentioned, I've been building up my Lolita wardrobe for a long time now and the thought of having some fresh pieces and fresh possibilities in my wardrobe is a really exciting idea!
Lovely dinner with beautiful lolitas at Wild Honey
This week, we have a lovely loli visit us from Sydney Australia. Since she's only going to stay in Singapore for 2 weeks so we decided to have a dinner together tonight
Since it was in such short notice and it happens on week day so there are only six of us were able to attend the dinner. However, I was glad I made it because I had fantastic time with all the lovely ladies.
Today, I was lucky to leave my work early so I rush home to get dressed. Usually I wear loli-ish clothes for my work. so I only need a bit of touch up then I can go.
I decided to wear one of my favorite JSK from BtSSB. The Cinderella Jewelry!!
This is the dress i am wearing the Pink Short Sleeves Pleated Cotton Sweet Lolita Dress today. I like it very much.
My new shopping has arrived recently and one thing I'm really excited about was my new wigs. They are actually particle wigs. Very easy to use and looks very natural when you put them on.
How do you wear them? Very easy. All you have to do is tie two buns on both side of your head and click these two babies on. wallah ~ There you go. You got a perfect Lolita Hair style.
The place for dinner tonight is at a brand new shopping centre on Orchard Road and the place looks nice and cozy. Although my chicken curry salad tasted a bit...errr no comment, but I still had great time.
We talk lot about lolita's stuff. I'm surprised to find out that there are actually four of us collecting lolita dresses.
You might ask, What do you mean by collecting Lolita dresses.
Well, Usually you buy some dresses because you want to wear them. For Lolita collectors, these dresses are like piece of arts. They probably will never wear them, but you just want to own them so you can actually admire the beautiful piece.
For myself, I something buy the same series in different colour and style. Crazy you might think. However there is this one girl we know in Singapore. She actually owns 7 pieces of JSK and OP of MMM IRON GATE!!!
Now you know where to find the MMM's IRON GATE.
Stephanie, Shu and me are the Adult group. We are all 30++ and two of us are mothers.
I love Stephanie's style very much, She always manage to wear loli to match with her daily clothes very well.
She came just after work so she wasn't really in her lolita dress but she still wearing some essence to her working dress, I always love her gothic style.
we have our last member. Grace. She is in Liz lisa today. Although Liz lisa isn't consider as a lolita brand, but I love the way she coordinates her outfit today.
I wish we could have this kind of girls talk dinner sometimes. Really enjoy it.
Since it was in such short notice and it happens on week day so there are only six of us were able to attend the dinner. However, I was glad I made it because I had fantastic time with all the lovely ladies.
Today, I was lucky to leave my work early so I rush home to get dressed. Usually I wear loli-ish clothes for my work. so I only need a bit of touch up then I can go.
I decided to wear one of my favorite JSK from BtSSB. The Cinderella Jewelry!!
This is the dress i am wearing the Pink Short Sleeves Pleated Cotton Sweet Lolita Dress today. I like it very much.
My new shopping has arrived recently and one thing I'm really excited about was my new wigs. They are actually particle wigs. Very easy to use and looks very natural when you put them on.
How do you wear them? Very easy. All you have to do is tie two buns on both side of your head and click these two babies on. wallah ~ There you go. You got a perfect Lolita Hair style.
The place for dinner tonight is at a brand new shopping centre on Orchard Road and the place looks nice and cozy. Although my chicken curry salad tasted a bit...errr no comment, but I still had great time.
We talk lot about lolita's stuff. I'm surprised to find out that there are actually four of us collecting lolita dresses.
You might ask, What do you mean by collecting Lolita dresses.
Well, Usually you buy some dresses because you want to wear them. For Lolita collectors, these dresses are like piece of arts. They probably will never wear them, but you just want to own them so you can actually admire the beautiful piece.
For myself, I something buy the same series in different colour and style. Crazy you might think. However there is this one girl we know in Singapore. She actually owns 7 pieces of JSK and OP of MMM IRON GATE!!!
Now you know where to find the MMM's IRON GATE.
Stephanie, Shu and me are the Adult group. We are all 30++ and two of us are mothers.
I love Stephanie's style very much, She always manage to wear loli to match with her daily clothes very well.
She came just after work so she wasn't really in her lolita dress but she still wearing some essence to her working dress, I always love her gothic style.
we have our last member. Grace. She is in Liz lisa today. Although Liz lisa isn't consider as a lolita brand, but I love the way she coordinates her outfit today.
I wish we could have this kind of girls talk dinner sometimes. Really enjoy it.
Afternoon tea meet-up with Lovely Thai lolita- Mint Chan
Today I have a lovely post about my meet up with sweet, lovely Thai lolita- Mint Chan.
Recently, I had short trip to Thailand Bangkok and I had a chance to arrange a meet-up with beautiful Thai lolita-Mint Chan.
I really love Mint's style and I admire is her attitude to lolita fashion. She custom made her bedroom into Angelic Pretty Shop style. Which I really totally admire of, I wish I could live in it. Also she always make sure she has perfect coordination so when she gets her dress, she will think over and over, try to match with every details from head to toe before she puts them on and step out of her door.
This is the attitude that I should learn from, I have to admit that sometimes I got lazy so I put on my dress with anything handy and I even wear them with barely any make up on. (Only with basic foundation, eyeline and lipstick).
Since lolita is a minor fashion so every time when we put on our lolita dress and step outside the door, each of us represent the lolita fashion, and I wouldn't want anyone to misunderstand lolita is a sloppy, funny fashion.
I think she has very similar taste as me. When we talked about what prints we actually owned and like. I found out that we both own exactly same prints. However, even though we have same prints but she always manage to add a bit of "Mint Chan" essence into it. That's her style.
I really looking forward to meet Mint Chan personally. What's more, i have selected the White And Bordeaux Cotton Stand Collar Bandage Sweet Lolita Dress, which i like the best. The afternoon tea took place at Author's Lounge at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
I am so glad that I have a chance to meet and talked about so many lolita stuff with Mint chan. It's a wonderful trip for me.
Recently, I had short trip to Thailand Bangkok and I had a chance to arrange a meet-up with beautiful Thai lolita-Mint Chan.
I really love Mint's style and I admire is her attitude to lolita fashion. She custom made her bedroom into Angelic Pretty Shop style. Which I really totally admire of, I wish I could live in it. Also she always make sure she has perfect coordination so when she gets her dress, she will think over and over, try to match with every details from head to toe before she puts them on and step out of her door.
This is the attitude that I should learn from, I have to admit that sometimes I got lazy so I put on my dress with anything handy and I even wear them with barely any make up on. (Only with basic foundation, eyeline and lipstick).
Since lolita is a minor fashion so every time when we put on our lolita dress and step outside the door, each of us represent the lolita fashion, and I wouldn't want anyone to misunderstand lolita is a sloppy, funny fashion.
I think she has very similar taste as me. When we talked about what prints we actually owned and like. I found out that we both own exactly same prints. However, even though we have same prints but she always manage to add a bit of "Mint Chan" essence into it. That's her style.
I really looking forward to meet Mint Chan personally. What's more, i have selected the White And Bordeaux Cotton Stand Collar Bandage Sweet Lolita Dress, which i like the best. The afternoon tea took place at Author's Lounge at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
I am so glad that I have a chance to meet and talked about so many lolita stuff with Mint chan. It's a wonderful trip for me.
Sweet Lolita [Amaloli]
Sweet Lolita (amaloli) is heavily influenced by Rococo styles as well as Victorian and Edwardian clothing. Focusing on the child and fantasy aspects of Lolita, the Sweet Lolita style adopts the basic Lolita format and uses lighter colors and child fantasy themes in its design.
Makeup used in sweet Lolita is common throughout most Lolita styles. A natural look is emphasized, to help maintain the childlike feel of Lolita. Light pastels and natural colors make up the Lolita makeup color scheme. Look at the Beauteous Pink Cotton Sweet Lolita Dress with White Straps.

Sweet Lolita places its focus on the child-like aspects of the Lolita style. Outfits consist of pastels, gingham or other colorful prints, lace, bows, and ribbons to emphasize the cuteness in the design. Popular themes in the sweet Lolita are references to Alice in Wonderland, fruits, sweets and classic fairy-tales. Jewelry often reflects this fantasy theme. Headdresses and bows are also a popular hair accessory to the sweet Lolita look. Bags and purses are often very cute with princess-like designs, and often in the form strawberries, crowns, hearts, and stuffed animals.
Momoko, a protagonist in the book/film Shimotsuma Monogatari (Kamikaze Girls in the US), is a popular example of sweet Lolita. She idealizes the rococo period and tries to "live" in the Rococo lifestyle through Lolita. She loves the popular Sweet Lolita brand, Baby, The Stars Shine Bright. Other Sweet Lolita brands include Manifesteange Metamorphose temps de fille and Angelic Pretty. Emily Temple cute (sister brand of Shirley Temple, a Japanese boutique for little girls), Jane Marple, and MILK are brands that carry more clothing that would be considered more casual, and are available to purchase at department stores in Japan.
Makeup used in sweet Lolita is common throughout most Lolita styles. A natural look is emphasized, to help maintain the childlike feel of Lolita. Light pastels and natural colors make up the Lolita makeup color scheme. Look at the Beauteous Pink Cotton Sweet Lolita Dress with White Straps.
Sweet Lolita places its focus on the child-like aspects of the Lolita style. Outfits consist of pastels, gingham or other colorful prints, lace, bows, and ribbons to emphasize the cuteness in the design. Popular themes in the sweet Lolita are references to Alice in Wonderland, fruits, sweets and classic fairy-tales. Jewelry often reflects this fantasy theme. Headdresses and bows are also a popular hair accessory to the sweet Lolita look. Bags and purses are often very cute with princess-like designs, and often in the form strawberries, crowns, hearts, and stuffed animals.
Momoko, a protagonist in the book/film Shimotsuma Monogatari (Kamikaze Girls in the US), is a popular example of sweet Lolita. She idealizes the rococo period and tries to "live" in the Rococo lifestyle through Lolita. She loves the popular Sweet Lolita brand, Baby, The Stars Shine Bright. Other Sweet Lolita brands include Manifesteange Metamorphose temps de fille and Angelic Pretty. Emily Temple cute (sister brand of Shirley Temple, a Japanese boutique for little girls), Jane Marple, and MILK are brands that carry more clothing that would be considered more casual, and are available to purchase at department stores in Japan.
A Thought For The Day.
I know what it's like to wear Lolita for the first time in public, it can be pretty nerve-wracking. So if you're wearing it for the first time, or if you often find yourself being too worried by what people will say or think of you, keep this in mind:
"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do. That is character!" - Benjamin Franklin.
I found that quote about a month ago, or maybe more, and posted it to Facebook, and I only realised the significance of it when related to Lolita fashion, or fashion which is out of the ordinary.
I was in town yesterday, and I couldn't count the amount of people who laughed, shouted, or sang a chorus of 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' (out of tune, too). But, since I started wearing Lolita, which is almost a year and a half ago, I've learned a lot. I've learned that, to wear the fashion, one must have a tough shell. The Cotton Pink Sweet Lolita Blouse And Skirt is my first choice about lolita dress, which make me very comfortable and confident.
You can't decide to wear it, hear an insult, and run home bawling, you have to be prepared for it, and you have to prepare to deal with it, and it's usually best to ignore it. Remember, if you truly love what you're wearing, and if you know it looks nice, then don't let anyone put you off it.
"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do. That is character!" - Benjamin Franklin.
I found that quote about a month ago, or maybe more, and posted it to Facebook, and I only realised the significance of it when related to Lolita fashion, or fashion which is out of the ordinary.
I was in town yesterday, and I couldn't count the amount of people who laughed, shouted, or sang a chorus of 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' (out of tune, too). But, since I started wearing Lolita, which is almost a year and a half ago, I've learned a lot. I've learned that, to wear the fashion, one must have a tough shell. The Cotton Pink Sweet Lolita Blouse And Skirt is my first choice about lolita dress, which make me very comfortable and confident.
You can't decide to wear it, hear an insult, and run home bawling, you have to be prepared for it, and you have to prepare to deal with it, and it's usually best to ignore it. Remember, if you truly love what you're wearing, and if you know it looks nice, then don't let anyone put you off it.
Lolita Survival Kits
Many people who pursue the fashion and beauty would like to buy lolita dresses. The online shopping is their best choice, such as ocrun.com. You will find more fashion and beautiful dress. Look at the Black Long Sleeves Lace Ruffles Double Breasted Cotton Classic Lolita Dress. It is very beautiful.

What's more, lolita survival kit is very important for you.
Just imagine – you've spent hours getting ready, perfecting your outfit and hair and make-up. You arrive at the ball, give your hair a little fluff in a window's reflection, and then, horrified, you see it. Whatever it is, you are mortified- how could you let this happen?! It was a horrible slight of judgment - how could you have forgotten _____?! Don't panic– you have your Lolita Survival Kit!
Level 1 – things to throw in the bottom of your purse before you leave:
Bobby pins and/or hair things
Tide-to-go pen
Lipgloss and mascara (both are make-up secret weapons, the two things that can most refresh your look)
Level 2 – keep in a little pouch, grab it on the way out the door:
A travel-sized bottle of perfume
Needle and thread and a few safety pins
Make-up remover, for smeared mascara or eye liner
Wisp toothbrush
Extra cash
Extra batteries for your camera
Level 3 – keep in the back seat of your car
A pair of pajamas for surprise slumber parties
Toiletries like deodorant and a toothbrush, also for surprise slumber parties
A change of shoes in case you step in mud or your shoes are somehow inappropriate – a picnic with friends is rained out and your heels aren't appropriate for clomping through the mall instead
Emergency weather clothes – gloves, hat, and scarf in the winter; tanktop and sandals in the summer
Extra cash, just in case – mentioned above but it bears repeating! You never know when you'll get lost and encounter a toll bridge
Rations – some candy, a granola bar – something not likely to spoil, just in case you go to a meet-up to find nothing you can eat. Don't pass out driving home after wards – just nibble your rations!
A book, in case you need to wait for someone.
A comfy cutsew dress, in case you spill something on your skirt and need to change
A cellphone charger, to reduce the risk of being stranded communicationless
Your lolita survival kit will make any situation manageable. Never fear make-up mistakes, follicle follies, or other awful alliterations again. Build your own today!
What's more, lolita survival kit is very important for you.
Just imagine – you've spent hours getting ready, perfecting your outfit and hair and make-up. You arrive at the ball, give your hair a little fluff in a window's reflection, and then, horrified, you see it. Whatever it is, you are mortified- how could you let this happen?! It was a horrible slight of judgment - how could you have forgotten _____?! Don't panic– you have your Lolita Survival Kit!
Level 1 – things to throw in the bottom of your purse before you leave:
Bobby pins and/or hair things
Tide-to-go pen
Lipgloss and mascara (both are make-up secret weapons, the two things that can most refresh your look)
Level 2 – keep in a little pouch, grab it on the way out the door:
A travel-sized bottle of perfume
Needle and thread and a few safety pins
Make-up remover, for smeared mascara or eye liner
Wisp toothbrush
Extra cash
Extra batteries for your camera
Level 3 – keep in the back seat of your car
A pair of pajamas for surprise slumber parties
Toiletries like deodorant and a toothbrush, also for surprise slumber parties
A change of shoes in case you step in mud or your shoes are somehow inappropriate – a picnic with friends is rained out and your heels aren't appropriate for clomping through the mall instead
Emergency weather clothes – gloves, hat, and scarf in the winter; tanktop and sandals in the summer
Extra cash, just in case – mentioned above but it bears repeating! You never know when you'll get lost and encounter a toll bridge
Rations – some candy, a granola bar – something not likely to spoil, just in case you go to a meet-up to find nothing you can eat. Don't pass out driving home after wards – just nibble your rations!
A book, in case you need to wait for someone.
A comfy cutsew dress, in case you spill something on your skirt and need to change
A cellphone charger, to reduce the risk of being stranded communicationless
Your lolita survival kit will make any situation manageable. Never fear make-up mistakes, follicle follies, or other awful alliterations again. Build your own today!
My lolita dress for summer
Hello again my lovelies! Perhaps this is a predicament many of you rufflebutts can relate to, but during summertime it is simply too hot for me to wear much Lolita as the many layers and rather stuffy nature of the clothing make it quite uncomfortable. I have bought one of sweet lolita dress for summer. Just share with you.
Look at the Rose Satin Yarn Sweet Lolita Dress, it's so wonderful that there is no reason for you to refuse this rose satin sweet lolita dress.Fuchsia is so cute that can bring you more people's appreciated eyes.Satin yarn and cotton will give you a feeling of softness and comfort.The more time your wear,the more you will be love it.So,put on it,show you beautify in the cosplay.I’m sure you will be the focus in the public.
However, a couple weeks back, when the weather was rather cool (a little too cool..it began to sprinkle!), I decided to don it just for summer. It was actually my first time wearing this beauty out in public and I can't wait to have the opportunity to do so again!
Look at the Rose Satin Yarn Sweet Lolita Dress, it's so wonderful that there is no reason for you to refuse this rose satin sweet lolita dress.Fuchsia is so cute that can bring you more people's appreciated eyes.Satin yarn and cotton will give you a feeling of softness and comfort.The more time your wear,the more you will be love it.So,put on it,show you beautify in the cosplay.I’m sure you will be the focus in the public.
However, a couple weeks back, when the weather was rather cool (a little too cool..it began to sprinkle!), I decided to don it just for summer. It was actually my first time wearing this beauty out in public and I can't wait to have the opportunity to do so again!
Lolita Challenge Day Nine
1. Smoke- I don't smoke anyway but I won't even stand near smokers when I wear lolita. I would hate for it to damage my clothing!
2. Sports- I don't actively play sports, but if I did I'd definitely wear shorts and a t-shirt (and a cute bow).
3. Eat Something Messy- Most foods are fine but if I was going to eat something with a lot of sauce or something I'd go change real fast.
4. Wear It On An Inappropriate Occasion- Some people say that lolita can be made appropriate for all occasions but I disagree. One word: funeral.
5. Wear A Replica To A Brand Event- If I ever went to a brand tea party I would lose my mind with excitement. I don't have anything against replicas but it's definitely disrespectful to wear them to a brand event, could you imagine if one of the designers were there?
6. Go To An Airport In Lolita- It's just a bad idea. Security is so crazy in airports now due to terrorism, wearing an alternative fashion just draws unnecessarily suspicion. Plus it would be hard to sit in a little plane seat with a petticoat, I bet the person next to you would not appreciate it.
7. Paint- Or anything crafty that involves glitter, glue or liquid. Sewing and stuff is fine though.
8. Wear It On Halloween- One of my pet peeves is lolita being perceived as a costume, if you wear it on Halloween you are kind of asking for it though. Plus Halloween is for wearing costumes, I'd hate to miss out on the fun! Black And White Long Sleeve Bow Lace Cotton Gothic Lolita Dress for your reference.
9. Frill Out Hardcore On The First Date- If I were going on a first date with someone I didn't know all that well yet I would not wear lolita, rather I would ease them into the fashion gradually. If I wore it right away they might only see the outfit and not my personality. The only way I'd wear it is if I knew the person very well already and they were well aware of my frilly tendencies.
10. Apply For A Job- Even in artsy job interviews you have to dress professionally, I feel like wearing the latest AP print would really hurt your chances with any company.
Bonus: Having said all that I think it's only fair to mention that I have moved all of my boxes and furniture into my new dorm whilst wearing brand. I don't know what I was thinking.
2. Sports- I don't actively play sports, but if I did I'd definitely wear shorts and a t-shirt (and a cute bow).
3. Eat Something Messy- Most foods are fine but if I was going to eat something with a lot of sauce or something I'd go change real fast.
4. Wear It On An Inappropriate Occasion- Some people say that lolita can be made appropriate for all occasions but I disagree. One word: funeral.
5. Wear A Replica To A Brand Event- If I ever went to a brand tea party I would lose my mind with excitement. I don't have anything against replicas but it's definitely disrespectful to wear them to a brand event, could you imagine if one of the designers were there?
6. Go To An Airport In Lolita- It's just a bad idea. Security is so crazy in airports now due to terrorism, wearing an alternative fashion just draws unnecessarily suspicion. Plus it would be hard to sit in a little plane seat with a petticoat, I bet the person next to you would not appreciate it.
7. Paint- Or anything crafty that involves glitter, glue or liquid. Sewing and stuff is fine though.
8. Wear It On Halloween- One of my pet peeves is lolita being perceived as a costume, if you wear it on Halloween you are kind of asking for it though. Plus Halloween is for wearing costumes, I'd hate to miss out on the fun! Black And White Long Sleeve Bow Lace Cotton Gothic Lolita Dress for your reference.
9. Frill Out Hardcore On The First Date- If I were going on a first date with someone I didn't know all that well yet I would not wear lolita, rather I would ease them into the fashion gradually. If I wore it right away they might only see the outfit and not my personality. The only way I'd wear it is if I knew the person very well already and they were well aware of my frilly tendencies.
10. Apply For A Job- Even in artsy job interviews you have to dress professionally, I feel like wearing the latest AP print would really hurt your chances with any company.
Bonus: Having said all that I think it's only fair to mention that I have moved all of my boxes and furniture into my new dorm whilst wearing brand. I don't know what I was thinking.
Frills and Faxes: Working In Lolita
This week I started my internship and fashion-wise it's a huge change! I'm used to wearing a uniform or jeans and a nice t-shirt to work but now I am no longer doing a job, this is a career, so the attire is required to be much more professional. To be honest I had a few outfits that looked smart enough to wear for my interview and first day but I quickly realized that my wardrobe was essentially devoid of work appropriate clothing. I find the Black and White Long Sleeves Bandages Cotton Lolita Dress, which is very beautiful dress.
Buying a whole new set of outfits was absolutely out of the question, my budget would totally crash and burn, so I had to devise some ways of combining my lolita closet with some key items to create an appropriate blend for the professional world. I think I did a pretty good job, so far I've managed to get through the week and felt totally within the boundaries of office fashion.
Hopefully this article will help you get ideas on how to incorporate your lolita clothing into a totally professional career outfit and save you money in the process. Remember to use your discretion when putting together an outfit and err on the side of caution. I hope that you feel lovely while you are at work, feeling cute makes you more productive!
Buying a whole new set of outfits was absolutely out of the question, my budget would totally crash and burn, so I had to devise some ways of combining my lolita closet with some key items to create an appropriate blend for the professional world. I think I did a pretty good job, so far I've managed to get through the week and felt totally within the boundaries of office fashion.
Hopefully this article will help you get ideas on how to incorporate your lolita clothing into a totally professional career outfit and save you money in the process. Remember to use your discretion when putting together an outfit and err on the side of caution. I hope that you feel lovely while you are at work, feeling cute makes you more productive!
A beautiful dress for you
Maybe it is very hard to choose a dress to the fatter people.Maybe they have no confidence to find a dreamy dress. Today i find a very beautiful dress from ocrun.com for your reference.
This lolita dress features its ruffles on the either side of the button. Ties form a big bow in back. This price includes the dress and the underskirt. The Pure Black Simple Cotton Sweet Lolita Dress adopts the basic Lolita format and places its focus on the childlike nature aspect of Lolita fashion.
I think it is suitable for the fatter people. The black colour will make your slimer and sexy. I love it very much. what's more, the white shoes is available to this dress.Maybe it will bring you a big surprise to your friends. Have a try and show your beauty to your friends.
This lolita dress features its ruffles on the either side of the button. Ties form a big bow in back. This price includes the dress and the underskirt. The Pure Black Simple Cotton Sweet Lolita Dress adopts the basic Lolita format and places its focus on the childlike nature aspect of Lolita fashion.
I think it is suitable for the fatter people. The black colour will make your slimer and sexy. I love it very much. what's more, the white shoes is available to this dress.Maybe it will bring you a big surprise to your friends. Have a try and show your beauty to your friends.
Weight Loss For Lolita
Being a plus size girl makes getting clothes hard anywhere you go. With most department stores not going above a size 14 if you're lucky, shopping to find items that look good and actually fit you feels like a near impossible task sometimes.The issue feels only exacerbated when lolita clothing is added into the mix. You now have more problems with clothes being available only in one size which fits that average Japanese girl, not the average American one. Now i find one of Classic Lolita Dresses and i love it very much.
Look at the girl who wearing Black Ruffles Cotton Classic Lolita Dress. She is so slim and beautiful. Enter me trying to lose weight for lolita. Despite feeling aggravated and frustrated some days, I've been keeping at the task at a slow and steady rate since early November. My main tool for weight loss so far has been Wii Fit Plus, and I've overall lost ten pounds despite not exercising for about half of December and all of January, so overall I think I'm doing pretty good. Lately, however, I've been stepping up my weight loss methods and looking more critically into what I can do to lose weight better.
The first tool I added to my arsenal was Ubisoft's My Weight Loss Coach. I saw a copy of the DS game in a sales bin at my local bookstore, and I couldn't pass it up considering it was only $4 and included a pedometer. I started my save file a couple of weeks ago, and I feel like I've gotten my money's worth so far. The pedometer turned out not to be that great in terms of quality, and the plastic clasp on it broke after a few days of use. I've since gone back to using a Pokewalker to measure steps given that the thing has never broken on me despite months of use. The game itself has been informative. The coaching sessions and the fact area of the game provide you with little tips and information that has been useful in getting me thinking about little ways I can change my day that will add up to more weight loss. Additionally, the daily challenge section gives you the option of choosing about 6 challenges a day that are influenced by decisions you've made in the coaching session so that they are more tailored for you. Just doing a few of them a day has made me feel better and increased good things such as my vegetable and water consumption. If you have a chance to pick up the game on sale, I would definitely recommend giving it a try.
The other thing I'm trying right now to increase weight loss is Lose It!. The site gives you an easy way to input your weight loss goals, and the site will tell you how many calories per day you can consume to reach your weight loss goal at the pacing you set. The site also features a number of easy look up tools so that you can easily find the amount of calories in many common foods and in foods offered at restaurants. If you don't see a food you want as being already input, you can input the food like I had to do for my strawberry Pocky yesterday. Exercise can also be input, and I was delighted to notice that Wii Fit exercise is already in the program. Overall, I'm liking the experience so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing if I actually garner any weight loss from it.
Look at the girl who wearing Black Ruffles Cotton Classic Lolita Dress. She is so slim and beautiful. Enter me trying to lose weight for lolita. Despite feeling aggravated and frustrated some days, I've been keeping at the task at a slow and steady rate since early November. My main tool for weight loss so far has been Wii Fit Plus, and I've overall lost ten pounds despite not exercising for about half of December and all of January, so overall I think I'm doing pretty good. Lately, however, I've been stepping up my weight loss methods and looking more critically into what I can do to lose weight better.
The first tool I added to my arsenal was Ubisoft's My Weight Loss Coach. I saw a copy of the DS game in a sales bin at my local bookstore, and I couldn't pass it up considering it was only $4 and included a pedometer. I started my save file a couple of weeks ago, and I feel like I've gotten my money's worth so far. The pedometer turned out not to be that great in terms of quality, and the plastic clasp on it broke after a few days of use. I've since gone back to using a Pokewalker to measure steps given that the thing has never broken on me despite months of use. The game itself has been informative. The coaching sessions and the fact area of the game provide you with little tips and information that has been useful in getting me thinking about little ways I can change my day that will add up to more weight loss. Additionally, the daily challenge section gives you the option of choosing about 6 challenges a day that are influenced by decisions you've made in the coaching session so that they are more tailored for you. Just doing a few of them a day has made me feel better and increased good things such as my vegetable and water consumption. If you have a chance to pick up the game on sale, I would definitely recommend giving it a try.
The other thing I'm trying right now to increase weight loss is Lose It!. The site gives you an easy way to input your weight loss goals, and the site will tell you how many calories per day you can consume to reach your weight loss goal at the pacing you set. The site also features a number of easy look up tools so that you can easily find the amount of calories in many common foods and in foods offered at restaurants. If you don't see a food you want as being already input, you can input the food like I had to do for my strawberry Pocky yesterday. Exercise can also be input, and I was delighted to notice that Wii Fit exercise is already in the program. Overall, I'm liking the experience so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing if I actually garner any weight loss from it.
The Neverending Meetup!
This meetup broke the record for the longest meetup ever, I think. It lasted for 13 hours from 12 noon to 1AM!
We started off at Pride, then headed to Espresso Royale for some food that was not expensive, fatty festival food, then went to Cake Eater, then went to a movie! Lolita broke off as time went on because of work or other obligations, so by the end of the night we didn't have all the girls we started out with ^^;
I was very reluctant to leave my friends (yes, even after 13 hours!) because this is the last meetup before I move this Thursday, plus I organized it! I am very happy and thankful to all the girls and guys that showed up to my meet, and I will miss them all ;_; I did get a lot of photos though, and included just a couple after the cut~

Group Shot! This is at the Pride festival. Teri and Lisa took photos in a beautiful garden of each of us. I will post some of those photos when I get them! For those of you who are curious, no, we did not run into the evangelist at Pride ;)
All in all, it was a lovely last meetup and I will miss my local lolitas so much! Let's hope the Taipei lolitas have epic meetups also! Just wear your lolita clothes to show your beauty to your friends.
We started off at Pride, then headed to Espresso Royale for some food that was not expensive, fatty festival food, then went to Cake Eater, then went to a movie! Lolita broke off as time went on because of work or other obligations, so by the end of the night we didn't have all the girls we started out with ^^;
I was very reluctant to leave my friends (yes, even after 13 hours!) because this is the last meetup before I move this Thursday, plus I organized it! I am very happy and thankful to all the girls and guys that showed up to my meet, and I will miss them all ;_; I did get a lot of photos though, and included just a couple after the cut~

Group Shot! This is at the Pride festival. Teri and Lisa took photos in a beautiful garden of each of us. I will post some of those photos when I get them! For those of you who are curious, no, we did not run into the evangelist at Pride ;)
All in all, it was a lovely last meetup and I will miss my local lolitas so much! Let's hope the Taipei lolitas have epic meetups also! Just wear your lolita clothes to show your beauty to your friends.
Mainstream Lolita in General
A recent music video by shu yao Guo called "Honey" has the Taiwanese lolitas talking! Mostly it was posted because she is wearing lolita in some parts of the MV, but I think that the MV in general is enjoyable for lolitas (particularly sweet lolitas!)
Many delectable sweets are shown throughout, which is what I am most interested in ;D
Every time lolita shows up in the mainstream, there always seems to be the debate of whether it's a good thing or not... Personally I feel that as long as it is worn correctly or is not labeled lolita it is fine. I just don't like misrepresentation!
The most memorable "Mainstream Lolita Done Wrong" incident I can remember is Lil Mama's outfit with AP's Fruit Parlor

It may not be lolita, but she did not call it Lolita Fashion, so I feel that it is OK. There is no rule stating that Brand must be coordinated a certain way! Lil Mama has since worn a couple more AP pieces in non-lolita coords, but I think she makes it work in her own way :)
So I cannot seem to understand why some people are completely against any form of lolita showing up in mainstream media. If you are going to rage, rage at people who go on TV to "educate" people about Lolita Fashion and do it wrong
Many delectable sweets are shown throughout, which is what I am most interested in ;D
Every time lolita shows up in the mainstream, there always seems to be the debate of whether it's a good thing or not... Personally I feel that as long as it is worn correctly or is not labeled lolita it is fine. I just don't like misrepresentation!
The most memorable "Mainstream Lolita Done Wrong" incident I can remember is Lil Mama's outfit with AP's Fruit Parlor

It may not be lolita, but she did not call it Lolita Fashion, so I feel that it is OK. There is no rule stating that Brand must be coordinated a certain way! Lil Mama has since worn a couple more AP pieces in non-lolita coords, but I think she makes it work in her own way :)
So I cannot seem to understand why some people are completely against any form of lolita showing up in mainstream media. If you are going to rage, rage at people who go on TV to "educate" people about Lolita Fashion and do it wrong
Show you a good design of Cosplay Lolita Dress
Japan gets his dream as the anime or manga recognized all about not talking about bringing their cosplays to fame around the world. Short for the costumes from the movie "costume play" cosplay always encouraging people in fancy dress costumes to role play a real factor or concept. At this point, a craze for creative ideas is popularly accepted Cosplay Lolita dresses.
This White And Black Cosplay Spaghetti Straps Lolita Dress features its sleeveless design. It is decorative border designed. Ruffled apron and underskirt are included. It is a perfect combination with black and white colours. The girl looks very beautiful, sexy and lovely. Just have a try and maybe you will be more fashionable than her. Also a white stocking and black shoe are available.
You can play any role that you like, welcome to visit ocrun.com for other different kinds of styles lolita dresses, which will be satisfied you. Good luck!
This White And Black Cosplay Spaghetti Straps Lolita Dress features its sleeveless design. It is decorative border designed. Ruffled apron and underskirt are included. It is a perfect combination with black and white colours. The girl looks very beautiful, sexy and lovely. Just have a try and maybe you will be more fashionable than her. Also a white stocking and black shoe are available.
You can play any role that you like, welcome to visit ocrun.com for other different kinds of styles lolita dresses, which will be satisfied you. Good luck!
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